Welcome to my
Master Class Page

Here you will find what Master Classes are available and when. Checklists.
Please note – there is a limit on attendance so please be sure to sign up early.

Month End Master Class | April 24th - 11am EDT | FREE!

In this master class participants will learn the basics of how to prepare important information for month end reporting. It includes:

  • What reports are essential
  • What information should be in each of these reports.
  • How to ensure accuracy for important management decisions.
  • How to understand month-end reporting, enabling you to improve your net profit and cash flow.

The course is approximately 1 hour long and is LIVE!

DID YOU KNOW…. that there are International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)?

That is why this course is for business owners everywhere. IFRS are a set of accounting rules for financial statements that are intended to make them consistent, transparent and easily comparable around the world.

No matter what accounting software you use (or if you are still running on a manual system) these rules and standards are applicable for everyone.

Register Now!

HST Preparation Master Class | to be announced


Year End Processes & Reports Master Class
| to be announced


Job Costing Master Class
| to be announced